Monday, April 25, 2011

The Karate Kid

The Karate Kid [Motion Picture] 1985.  ISBN 0800138074

Tweens who enjoyed last year’s Karate Kid remake starring Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan still have reason to check out the 1985 original.  Daniel Larusso (Ralph Macchio), a newcomer to Los Angeles, is bullied and finds help from his apartment manager, Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita, Jr. in an Oscar-nominated performance).  Today’s tweens will not know Morita from “Happy Days” fame, but his performance as the wise and patient Karate master from Okinawa might still remind them of someone they know.  Morita gets the details right, and along with Macchio’s best performance, creates a relationship that is even more believable than Larusso’s with his teen love interest, Ali (Elisabeth Shue).

The story resonates with tweens 25 years after its release, especially with so many recent high profile incidents of bullying among young people.  In the film, Miyagi teaches Daniel that respect and inner peace are more important than physical dominance—as displayed by the more militaristic Cobra Kai martial artists (the bullies) in the film.

Among the highlights of the movie are the “wax on, wax off” scene in which Daniel realizes that seemingly endless household chores are actually lessons in Karate; more subtle are the scenes with Daniel and his mother (Randee Heller), who is having almost as much difficulty finding her way in a new environment as her son is.

While the music and fashion in Karate Kid are dated, the script is filled with realistic dialogue and timeless humor.

View a clip of the film here.

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